Monday, April 2, 2012

Cardigan Schutzhund Protection

We played Schutzhund with Eden today :-) She did a little bit of barking, a little bit of biting, some growling. Pretty much the cutest Cardigan EVER. Obviously it was all a lot of fun and games, not serious on anyone's part. But, it was funny!
The adorable video!

1 comment:

  1. My Galaxy LOVES the sleeve, and protection sport work. I hope I can find and get into a local group down here. We had lots of fun in Oregon! She'll even fly to hit the sleeve, and head shake! Total riot.

    So fun to see Cardi people getting out and trying more with their dogs. When I first got into Cardis I heard "can't", and "not enough drive" a lot, but now people like us are coming out of the woodwork and doing cool things with the dogs!
